Melatih Show Temperament pada Dobermann(Train and promote Show temperament on your Dobes)
Melatih Show Temperament pada Dobermann(Train and promote Show temperament on your Dobes)
Bagaimana Menampilkan Dobermann anda di Show Ring ?
Sebaik apapun kwalitas dobe anda,apabila dia tidak mempunyai show temperament (showmanship),kesuksesan rasanya sulit diraih.
Ironisnya,dobermann dengan kwalitas sedang ataupun kurang baik,tetapi mempunyai showmanship yang luar biasa,tak jarang dia dapat memenangkan show tsb,bahkan tidak jarang kita jumpai sampai ke tingkat BOB.
Menampilkan dobermann anda di show Ring,adalah sebuah kunci,apabila anda memutuskan untuk membawa dobermann anda ke sebuah show.
Menampilkan showmanship sendiri bukanlah sebuah pekerjaan instant yang bisa didapat dari latihan 1-2 hari saja,showmanship,harus mulai dilatih sejak usian anakan (puppy age),menampilkan showmanship tidak lepas dari instinct seekor dobermann sebagai seekor carnivora.Carnivora selalu mempunyai instinct untuk memangsa yang kita sebut sebagai prey instinct.
Coba anda lihat bagaimana dobermann anda bereaksi apabila melihat seekor kucing ? alert,body tegak,kepala tegak,telinga tegak,kaki ditarik ke belakang dan dia akan menarik tali kekang anda.Apabila posisi ini dapat anda pertahankan terus dan dobermann anda dapat berdiri dengan gaya ini di show ring,ini yang kemudian kita sebut sebagai stand show position,pertanyaannya,bagaimana menampilkan dobermann kita dengan stand show position ini terus menerus ?
Kuncinya,anda harus mencari barang kesukaannya semenjak usia anakan,latih dia bermain setiap harinya dengan bola,bisa bola tennis ataupun bola yang lebih besar ,misalnya bola volley,biarkan dia berebut dengan saudara2nya ataupun dobermann lain memperebutkan bola tsb,ini akan melatih kondisi fisiknya dan dengan mengejar bola tsb,anda sudah melatih dia dan mengeluarkan “PREY INSTINCT” nya.Dengan terus menerus latihan seperti ini,lambat laun dia akan bertambah suka dengan bola tsb,ambil bola tsb dan lemparkan,biarkan dia mengejar dan membawa bola tsb,beri pujian padanya apabila dia bisa mendapatkannya.Lakukan permainan ini terus secara rutin sampai anda yakin dia memilih salah satu bola dari banyak jenis yang anda tawarkan.
Setelah kesukaanya kita ketahui,konsentrasikan latihan selanjutnya dengan bola kesukaannya,permainan lempar/ambil harus terus dilakukan ,ditambah dengan latihan konsentrasi,di sini,bola harus anda bawa,mainkan,lemparkan tetapi anjing mulai dikendalikan dengan rantai,biarkan dia melompat lompat karena dia ingin mengambil bola tsb,jangan terburu buru mengharapkan seekor anakan bisa menunjukkan show stand position dalam waktu lama,yang terpenting,dia harus terfokus pada bola yang kita bawa.
Setelah 30 detik,lepaskan dia,biarkan dia mengambil bola yang kita bawa,BIARKAN DIA MENUNJUKKAN BAHWA DIA MENANG.DAN BISA MENGUASAI BOLA TSB.ini penting untuk psikologi seekor anjing show.setelah bermain 30 detik,ambil bola tsb ,stand-kan dia kembali seperti awal,dan lepaskan lagi setelah 30 detik show stand.lakukan ini berulang kali dan selalu beri dia pujian setiap kali dia melaksanakan apa yang kita mau.
Lakukan ini sejak anjing berusia 3 bulan,lebih awal lebih baik.OK …..silahkan mencoba….kalau berhasil……selamat berjumpa dengan saya di show ring…..
English Version.
No matter how good your dobermann is,without the show temperament,a success in the show ring could only be your dream.
Sometimes,you can find a medium quality dobes,can reach success in the show ring,and very often we find those medium quality dobes can even get many BOB.
If you decide to participate,and to bring your dobe in the show ring,then “Show temperament” is one of the key for your success
Show temperament (showmanship) training ,is not posible to be done as an instant training ,this must be done as early as posible,the best is to start from their puppy age.Understanding the showmanship must be start from our knowledge about dog as a carnivore,with the prey instinct.
Now take a look at your own dobe,when they found a cat in the yard or a mouse running accross him,He will show alertness,erected ear,erected head,stretched rear leg and pulling his leash towards the this correct ? if your dobes show this behaviour,then we could say,this is the prey instinct,and if this position could be kept,then we could say that he is doing the stand position.This is the position that is desired,when he/She is shown in the show ring,with this position,judge will be able to clearly see his/her conformation.Now the question is,how we could get him/her to keep this position in the show ring ?
The key is to find his most favorite toys,you can teach your pup since his early age by giving them balls,let them play with many balls,give him time to run and chase the balls with the other litters,with this game,they will start building up their “PREY INSTINCT”.Routine games could be done as a routine training and sooner or later,with their prey instinct,they will like Balls game that you give them.After certain period,each of them will choose their favourite balls,either a big ball like volley ball or basket ball or a small shape like a tennis ball.throw the ball,let them pick it and give them reward when the pups fetch the ball,do this many times in a session.let them take a rest for a while and repeat this game (throw and fetch) again.this is the first step of the training.
Now you found his favourite ball,each pup could be different and now you have to train how they focus on their favourite ball.This is the second step.Throw and fetch game can be continued with the leash on,but only after your pup has shown big interest on the ball.If your pup is still reluctant on the ball,do not continue to the second step.Focus training can be done exactly like the “throw and fetch” game (first step),but now you must train your pup with their leash on.Let them chase the balls with their leash on.Throw the ball again,but dont let him get it right away,try to hold them,let them show their big interest in chasing the ball by pulling the leash,the more they pull on the leash ,the better temperament they have.let them spend approximately 30 seconds(waiting period)pulling the leash,After that,let them get their ball,dont wait too long and dont ask for your pup to do perfect concentration or focus more than 30 seconds,and dont let them get bored with the game,do this certain period of time and increase the waiting period slowly day by day,until they reach the show temperament that you desired.Please take a note that you must give the ball after certain period of waiting,this is very important to the psychology of your dobe that HE WINS AGAINST THE PREY.
My advise,start the training as early as posible,and do this as a routine,if you think your dobe has shown the right temperament …..then you can meet me in the show ring.
RCA Dobermann Kennel.
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